Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. And tastes.  

Sometimes you're looking for that little spark that will let you finally put your brush to canvas and make that first stroke of color, but you want to be sure it's just right.  After all, the first stroke is the most important, right?


The first stroke is just that.  Step one. The beginning.  A draft. Nothing more insignificant has ever been made than the first stroke of the painting.  It's not magical; it won't foretell the worth of the painting-to-be.  It will, however, keep you from painting it. See, while it's not the most important, it IS the most difficult. Realize that any mark can be altered or erased.  It isn't forever. Allow yourself to make that first mark for its own sake.  Because you can't skip step one.  You'll never be able to create a masterpiece if you're afraid of yourself.  

Make the mark.  Let it be imperfect. 

But I'm getting away from myself.  


Sometimes, to make that first mark, we need a little inspiration. More than Shia Labeouf's deep, motivational verbal explosions. I mean real, serious, hard-core inspiration.  

I speak of tea.

Want to know just why so much of British literature is so grotesquely phenomenal?  It's because those people across the pond are sucking down great pots of the stuff!  Just think of how far we would be, word-wise, if instead of chucking all that tea into the harbor, we'd cooked it up and downed it, allowing it to feed our souls and creative spirits. Not that I disagree with the men who hosted the delightful Boston Tea Party, I just think at least a few of them might have hunkered down and taken a few sips before splitting.

My point.  Liquid creativity can be found in many herbal forms, my particular favorite being earl grey tea with a spoonful of sugar, or a nice Chamomile with cream and honey. Hot or cold, weak or strong, black or light, so long as it's the virgin strain of the deep-steeped dehydrated leaves of the beloved camellia, you can be sure the tea gods will lend you their power for your next creative endeavor.  


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